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The EuroGeoSurveys Ten-Year Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) 2025-2034 presents a forward-looking framework for the sustainable management of Europe’s geological resources.
The IRTC25: From Raw Material Policies to Practice conference took place from 19 to 21 February 2025 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Press release
EuroGeoSurveys presents the vision for a Geological Service for Europe (GSEU), a pan-European initiative to harmonise and integrate subsurface data, knowledge, and expertise.
The GSEU Project was involved in several sessions and side events at Raw Materials Week in December 2024. 
The 'Cities Under Pressure' event at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences was a fantastic opportunity to bring together experts from geology, urban planning, and environmental research.
PETEX is the largest subsurface-focused E&P conference and exhibition in the UK, with a broader scope to include the energy transition.
The GSEU project was presented within the Session "Geophysical data-acquisition to accelerate geothermal development in the urban environment” at the GET2024 conference in Rotterdam.
The GSEU Project was showcased as part of the EGS/BRGM booth at the IGC 2024 Congress in Busan, Korea, in August 2024.
European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), (which in 2024 was on 11-13 June), is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe and organised by the CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency and the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy.
From 13 to 15 May, the EIT Raw Materials Summit brought together international representatives from the raw materials industry, policy, and academia to discuss the challenges, possible decisions and the future of the sector in general.
The European Green Deal and the EU's ambitious Net-Zero goals centre around a detailed understanding, strategic and sustainable exploitation of the subsurface. High-quality subsurface pan-European data (on- and off-shore) and geoscientific expertise are crucial to this endeavour. There is no energy transition without geothermal energy, offshore wind energy and energy storage and we cannot reach the Net Zero targets without Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
The annual event in Geneva brought together leaders, experts and stakeholders in the field of resource management to discuss the pressing sustainable development challenges and opportunities. The programme focused on the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) and the United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS), highlighting their critical role in advancing global resource management.
The GSEU project was presented at the Changing Demand in the Built Environment event organised by TNO and the Energy Reinvented Community in Nieuwegein, the Netherlands.
Strong support from European Parliament for development of geothermal energy in EU.
Read more about the article "Progress and ambitions of the European Geological Survey Organisations in delivering harmonised subsurface data as the basis for informed energy transition policy"

GSEU Stakeholder Mapping

December 18, 2023
In this project, building successful and permanent communication channels with stakeholders is as important as the research and development tasks, so our aim is to tailor our scope and activities for the highest possible social impact. Read further what our plan is for engaging with our key stakeholders.
A workshop on the future of a Geological Service for Europe was organised at EGS in Brussels on 5 and 6 December.
GSEU - Geological Service for Europe project was presented at the annual RMIS workshop in Brussels.
The GSEU - Geological Service for Europe project was presented at the 4th EAGE GET23 Conference in Paris.
GSEU experts we very active during Raw Materials Week 2023.
The aim of EGDI to evolve into a knowledge infrastructure was presented at the CGI workshop.
Press release


October 30, 2023
GSEU Day took place in Brussels on 19 October 2023. Its purpose was to engage with our valued external stakeholders following a year of project implementation, and to drive forward our mission: a sustainable Geological Service for Europe.
The 7th MINEX Europe Mining and Exploration Forum organised by MINEX - Mining and Exploration Forum took place from 17 to 19 October 2023 in Wrocław, Poland.
16th CO2GeoNet Open Forum was organized by the European network of excellence on the geological storage of CO2 in Venice.
A workshop on "GSEU and the Geological Framework for the EU Geological Data and Information System" gathered 40 experts in Vienna.
The annual Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Convention is the premier event of the world’s mineral exploration and mining industry.
The European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI) working group met this week in Madrid at IGME - Instituto Geológico y Minero de España.
Press release
Under the five-year Coordination and Support Action, The GSEU Project will develop a plan for a sustainable Geological Service for Europe as a permanent collaborative network of European geological surveys.
EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) hosted the high-level launch event of the "Geological Service for Europe" (GSEU) project in Brussels.
EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) hosted the kick-off event of the Geological Service for Europe Coordination and Support Action (GSEU)  project, which includes more than 48 partners from across Europe, in Brussels.
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March 26, 2025

⚠️ Natural hazards demand attention! Mateja Jemec Auflič from GeoZS - Geological Survey of Slovenia explains why geohazards should be a high priority for Europe and shares key insights for effective risk management. 🎥 Check it out here 👉 How do geohazards affect your comm...

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March 22, 2025

Open-access European geological data from the European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI) Map viewer and Data search. A collaborative initiative aimed at facilitating the sharing, integration, and accessibility of geological information across Europe. It serves as a comprehensive platform that...

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March 21, 2025

🌍 SRIA 2025-2034 is here - did you catch the launch? 🎥 Last week, we unveiled the #EuroGeoSurveys Ten-Year Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (#SRIA) 2025-2034 - a vision for Europe’s geological future. With 37 geological survey organisations and 10,000 geoscientists, we are building the G...

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March 19, 2025

💧 Groundwater is one of Europe’s most valuable resources. Klaus Hinsby from GEUS discusses directives, NGSO actions, and priorities for managing groundwater sustainably. 🎥 Watch the video here 👉 What’s one challenge your region faces in groundwater management? Let’s excha...

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March 18, 2025

🌍 Big news for Europe's geological future - EuroGeoSurveys Ten-Year Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (#SRIA) 2025-2034 is here! This roadmap will drive innovation in geoscience, tackling climate change, energy security, and resource sustainability. With 37 geological survey organisations ...

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March 14, 2025

🚀 Yesterday we launched the EuroGeoSurveys Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. Another milestone on our mission to create a permanent and sustainable GSEU - Geological Service for Europe . ❤️ But it was also a moment to celebrate a lot of hard and good work from many many many members of ou...

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