Bringing the Subsurface into the Light - drawing together the baseline data and knowledge needed to manage Europe's natural resources and reach Net Zero
The Geological Surveys of Europe have a long history of cooperation, both through their umbrella organisation EuroGeoSurveys - the project coordinator - and through numerous joint projects and programmes. While these collaborations have been crucial for joint innovation, the exchange of knowledge and expertise, and the development of data and information standards and harmonisation frameworks, the sustainable provision of a Geological Service for Europe requires that this cooperation goes a step further.
Very little things are more rewarding to us than having the feeling that what we do have an impact. After these 2 wonderful days, we are full of energy to complete the journey that we started early in the year that'll lead us to the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. #StrategicAgenda...
Some great images from the #GSEU #SRIA meeting in Brussels today, with esteemed speakers from DG ENV - Isaac Ojea Jimenez; VITO - Virginie Harcouët-Menou; KULeuven - Peter Tom Jones; Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) - Simon P Johnson; JRC - @nicola Magnani; IAEG - Claudio Margottini ...
Tomorrow this spectacular room will be full of people from all over Europe to discuss with us the new EuroGeoSurveys Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. We are very looking forward to meet more than 100 people to discuss with us! #event #colleagues #energytransition
Julie Hollis and Patrick Wall unveil the #SRIA for the #GSEU Project in Brussels today. The aim of GSEU is to create an integrated, accessible #GeologicalServiceForEurope, a hub for cross-European understanding of the subsurface to create a #SustainableFuture for all the citizens of Europe. The...
Stephan Gruijters of TNO outlines the #GSEU #SRIA goal of #SubsurfaceDigitalTransformation in Brussels today as part of the presentation to the European Commission of the #GeologicalServiceForEurope project so far.
🌍⚡ #EAGEGET2024 is just around the corner, and the #GSEU project is excited to be part of the session on "Geophysical data-acquisition to accelerate geothermal development in the urban environment" on November 5th! 🔍 Join us as Camille Maurel from BRGM shares her expertise on using geophysical d...